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DIY Zero Waste Toothpaste

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Here at Westside Wellness, we love making our own skin, body and household products, mainly because we know EXACTLY what is going into those products AND because they work so well and are so cheap to make!

If you haven't used homemade toothpaste before, it is a *bit* of an adjustment, they are no where near as sweet and minty as the kind of toothpaste you can get at the supermarket, but once you've used it you'll never go back as homemade toothpaste leaves your teeth feeling so clean and helps to remove staining too.

Lets talk about the ingredients:

  • coconut oil: antimicrobial/bacterial, draws toxins out of mouth and is effective against tooth decay, gum disease and whitens teeth

  • baking soda: neutralises acids in our mouth and helps to prevent tooth decay; is also mildly abrasive so helps with removal of stains

  • bentonite clay: aids with remineralisation and draws toxins out of your mouth

  • calcium powder: aids with reminderalisation

  • peppermint, tea tree and eucalyptus essential oils: all 3 are antimicrobial/bacterial and help to reduce odour

One small jar lasts approx 2 months, for extra teeth whitening we add a sprinkling of activated charcoal to our toothbrush a couple of times per week.



  • 1/4 cup coconut oil (liquid or solid is fine, but we prefer to use liquid as it's easier to get on your toothbrush

  • 2 tbs baking soda

  • 2 tsp bentonite clay (you can get it at The Source)

  • 1 tsp calcium powder (we like Lifestream products)

  • 20-30 drops peppermint essential oil (we love The Oil Garden oils)

  • 8 drops each of eucalyptus and tea tree essential oils (we think Thursday Plantationoils are fab!)


  1. Place all of the ingredients in a bowl and using a wooden or plastic spoon, mix until well combined. Scoop/pour into a small airtight jar.

  2. To use, dip your toothbrush in and cover with the toothpaste. If you use solid coconut oil you may need to use a small spoon to scoop it out. Due to the oil content, we recommend avoiding spitting down the drain, instead you can spit into your compost bin, garden or have a spit jar on hand (a bit gross, but practical).


Orange Coconut Deodorant


Homemade deodorant is actually simple to make. It takes less than 3 minutes to whip up a batch....but best of all it actually works!! I had tried crystals, natural roll on, alcohol based and all sorts but this has been the only product that keeps both the sweat and the stink away.

All you need to do is source a few ingredients and store them in the cupboard ready to bring out when you need to make some more up.


  • 3 heaping tablespoons of coconut oil

  • 3 tbs arrowroot powder (or cornstarch)

  • 1 tbs baking soda (I like this brand)

  • 20 drops of orange essential oil (or an essential oil scent you prefer)

  • Glass jar for storage


  1. Combine all ingredients together in a bowl.

  2. Stir well, about 3 minutes for the mixture to become well-combined, depending on the temperature.

  3. Place in a glass jar, label and keep in a cool, dark area (especially during the warmer months).

Makes about 1 cup which will last last for at least 3 months. 

Orange Coconut Body Scrub


We make a lot of coconut milk at Westside Wellness! ....And that means lots of leftover coconut pulp. You can blitz the leftover pulp in a food processor or thermomix and then dehydrate it to make coconut flour, but because baking requires so little of it we often have more than we can handle. 

I like to use the leftover pulp to make body scrub - it really helps exfoliate dead skin from your pores but at the same time adds a fine coating of moisture to the skin to keep it nice a smooth. The orange rind adds a nice scent and provides a natural anti-microbial element to to the scrub to prevent unwanted skin infections.

Simply grab a handful and scrub onto to the skin (pay special attention to the knees, ankles, feet and elbows) while your in the shower. Wait a minute or two and then rinse off - enjoy!


  • 1.5 cups of coconut pulp (from making homemade coconut milk)

  • 1 cup of salt

  • Grated rind of 1 orange

  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil


  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl.

  2. Store in 3 x 200mL jars. Keep 2 of the jars in the freezer for up to 2 months. The other jar can be kept in you shower to be used daily until finished, about 2 weeks.


Homemade Face Cleanser


Making your own chemical-free face cleanser is easy

Have you ever checked the ingredients of you favourite skin cleanser? Most of us would struggle to pronounce some of the ingredients, let alone know what they are or where they come from. 

Many substances used in skincare manufacturing (such as EDTA, sodium lauryl sulfate and formaldehyde) are harmful to our bodies. In many instances they are known carcinogens (substances known to cause cancer). 

You can avoid these harmful substances simply by making your own skincare products at home. It’s fast, cheap and so simple to do. 

I whip some a batch of this skin cleanser every month or so. It's gentle and effective, you can apply the product to the skin every day - it's both nourishing and deep cleansing to clear out clogged up pores. 

If you find the skin is too oily, simply cleanse you skin at night and by morning the oil will have absorbed into your skin, leaving it soft a smooth. 

About Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay is formed by volcanic ash and contains many minerals including silica and magnesium. It acts to detoxify the pores of the skin due to it's difference in electrical charge. This assists it's drawing action to pull excessive oil and gunk from the pores to give you softer, smoother and clearer skin. To learn more about Calcium Bentonite (green clay) - we recommend reading more here

Using Non-Metallic Equipment

Bentonite clay strips heavy metals from the body and from any minerals it comes into contact with….including your aluminium or stainless steel cookware.


  • 2 tbs coconut oil Ÿ

  • 2 tsp raw honey Ÿ- I love this brand

  • 1 tsp baking soda - this brand is great

  • 1 tsp bentonite clay Ÿ - I recommend this brand

  • 3 drops essential oil of your choice Ÿ- I love ylang ylang or geranium oil

  • Dried flower petals


  1. Mix all ingredients in a non-metallic bowl and store in a glass jar.

  2. Leave ample room in the jar as the mixture will swell as the clay expands.


  1. To use simply wash your face with warm water.

  2. Apply a small amount to the skin (about the size of a 20 cent coin).

  3. Massage into the skin and wash off with a warm wet face cloth.

Keeps for up to 3 months in a sealed container. I prefer to use a glass jar for a container but you could also use a food grade plastic one. In the warmer months the oils will separate, simply stir to recombine.