Homemade Vegemite

Vegemite is an Australian staple, but the downside of this spread is that it is packed full of salt, and made with added colour 150c from the manufacturing process of fructose, malt syrup and other sweeteners. It also contains unspecified  'flavours' - which can be anything from from a naturally-derived food (animal or plant source) or synthetic flavours made in food chemical laboratories.  

At Westside Renee and I prefer to make our own 'Vegemite' - it's easy to make, stores well in the fridge and the kids love it!



  • 120g Black Tahini

  • 100mL tamari (or coconut aminos)

  • 3 x tbs nutritional yeast flakes

  • 1 x tbs apple cider vinegar


  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl.

  2. Store in jar in the fridge.

Makes 1 x jar. Keeps for 2 months refrigerated.