Almond Butter

We LOVE nut butters here at Westside - they are a wonderful way to get nutrition and help to feel satiated (full) at the end of a meal. They are full of mono- and poly-saturated fatty acids meaning which means that they are great for brain function and can help to repent heart attacks. 

They are also wonderful sources of magnesium and calcium which also helps to regulate blood pressure and support mood. Think healthy HEARTS and BRAINS folks!

Nut butters can be costly, especially organic ones. At Westside we like to make our own, it's simple to do and also better on the budget.

Spread on toast, add to smoothies, slap onto a slice of apple and BOOM tasty snacks are ready to eat and full of nutritious goodness.



  • 3 cups of raw almonds, preferable organic

  • 3 pinches of sea salt


  1. Preheat your oven to 160ºC

  2. Place all the almonds on the baking tray and heat in the oven for 10 minutes.

  3. Place warm almonds and sea salt into a high powdered food processor/thermomix.

  4. Process for about 10 minutes, stopping occasionally to scrap down the sides. The mixture will be chunky at first, then become powdery and then after a long time become rich a buttery.

  5. Store the nut butter in a glass jar.

Makes 1 cup. Keeps for 1 month.